Sunday, July 12, 2009

On the 7 th day he said it is done and he Rested

Oh wow it`s Sunday the day of rest and self indulgence . Ah the day started for ever loving football practise early in the mornin ....

Way back from my practise in the wee hours of the mornin i bumped into a very old freind of mine ..

Good mornin she said !!!!

Good mornin oh gosh long time no see .......

Busy eh..... no no what up with u i asked....

Nothin much she said was out for a Jog and here we bumped into each other ....

Ha Ha strange way to meet after so long eh!!!!

I thinking how beautiful she looks in her jog suit...... all heaving and panting ..... (god what a thought early in the mornin )

So hw`s life i asked , oh she said c`mon look at us bumping into each other in wee hours of the mornin i have`nt met any of my freinds for a long time i say life is pretty hectic for me ....

What about u she said ... Heard u r work quiet late .......

Heard ???????? from whom .....

(Ohh inquiring abt me .... i thought )

Oh jus from our common freind u remember so and so .... i jus asked u abt wondering where u disappeared..... see we were just passing your bldg and remembered u....

Ya i said and we are standing across uor bldg i said ... Oh Ya she exclaimed ...

Ha Ha ..... so u are still playing football eh .... ya i said i just cant get enough of it , sunday is when i get time so i dont miss it .....

She checked her watch, so any chance of us catching up on old time`s over a cuppa cofffe .

looks like it`ll be some time v`ll bump into each other again if u r not in a rush to hit the bath.... ( u see i was all sweaty andd it jus rained so bit dirty not much i might say )

we went to a the local tapri ( tea stall a the corner ) no sooner we entered the tapri it started raining again ..... there was no crowd this mornin as it was sunday all i could see was the paper boy making his round.....

Where r u now still in touch with so and so , what up with uor job , how come u`ve become so busy there was a time i could see u anytime and every time at your bldg verandah with uor gang of boyz leering at girls .....

Looks like u r all money man now workin quiet late .... earning a boutifull eh..... no no i said jus much to survive ... Ohh ya we have all become Soldier Of Fortune ar`nt we.... ya Led Zepp .. How can we for get his number .,....... i still recall that number playing .......

Ohh i thought indeed tht`s we have become a soldier of fortune.... Money ....

She ordered 2 coffee i said mera kaala waala , and there she started laughing her gut`t out....

Eh i wondered what`s wrong with her and i recalled what i jus said sheepishly i said black coffee dena bhai saab .... the poor fellow neither got the joke in hindi or was to sleeply to care a damn....

So have u given up checking up every passing chick she asked ..... Eh AGAIN ......

No No i said no more of that stuff he he he ..... Why what happened seeing some one is it .... who who tell me tell me ......

Oh no i said no girls way too busy , what she said way to busy to check out chick`s uor favourite pass time and no GF ........

Umm how come she asked .... what do u mean how come i asked jus like that never come across any babe so far who was willing to give me a hike ......

Ohh u r not that bad looking , pretty witty tooo , not a bad dresser ... so where r u going wrong sir..... she asked...

i`m not sir and i didn`t give much of a thought to it u see .... so what abt u i asked r u seeing someone ... no one specfic she said .... but i was interested in someone u see , made a point to be seen to him , tried to be freind with him , jus hoping he would understand , all my subtle signs went unnoticed u know how very reserved and shy i was .... ( ya i knw and i wondering how come she was talking so much with me whn we were in group she hardly spoke )...

Oh i said hard luck u .... where is he now u lookin quiet stunning maybe he wont need those subtle signs anyomore h`ll be head over heels when he just see`s u ....

Who was he do i knw him .... Oh yes she said u knw him damn well u see he was so and so brother`s freind , who i asked .... what was his name ... let it be yaar she said wht` the point in digging in the past ....

Oh would u like to have Bun Maska she asked why not i said .... 2 bun maska bhaiyya aur phir se ek kaala waala coffee aur ek regular coffee ... she said....

2 Bun Maska became six in no time .. and the discussion trailed of to some other course in no time and it started pouring heavily by than ..

So i was getting bit curious about this hot spot of my out of blue meet with an old freind

i kept on askin her she was adamant to jus put me off trail finally she gave up and said it was tht freind of your`s ....... so and so again...bloody idiot i thought from him ... ohh i got a pinch.....

Is he still avaliable ..... err no said he got married long time back with this girl from his place of work....

Ohh how bad ..... but she didn`t look sad she looked more elated , she asked me why r u frowning

nothin jus wondering i said what what tell tell , tell me na what is it

ok ok .... nothin yaar jus wondering u still have hot`s for him , how come such a stunning lookin girl like u still pinning for him.....

who said i`m pinning for him dear....... i jus asked in a lighter vein whether he is still avaliable , dumbo i knw he was married ....

so why ask me .... jus like that.....

hey i gotta go she said drowned 3 cuppa coffee me black she regular and 6 bun maska and a plate khari from my end that is ...... it started pouring heavily with mid break that bombay rains give to those poor souls to rush to a safe/ sheltered place....

How will u go home she questioned , come on i said it`s jus a few block away , r u crazy dont get wet okay u might catch cold hold on i`ll get umbrella. no it ok , com on i jus played football in this rain ... i can run in the rain .... her eyes lightened sure u can she said ... so let`s meet next sunday and run in the rain ..... what say .....

why not ... give me uor mobile number she demanded ..... u carry mobile while u jog , idiot see said , okay take my number tooo .... bhai saab pen hai kya i asked he gave me ohh fuck off look...

i looked at her sheepishly i`ll sms u she said , nxt sunday okay , ya ya sure i said.....

and off she jogged to her bldg and scurried to mine ........

On i`m so waiting for next sundayy ..........