Saturday, November 13, 2010

Dark and it`s getting Darker

Read this today ,

Breaking News ....

It`s raining blood in every part of the world ....

EH !When did the rains changed it color from colorless , odourless to blood red and salty....

WTF ... what on earth have they printed , what do they mean by this crap, did thier news byte, edit and story placement went wrong or was this a fictional story title that got printed on front page as Breaking News,....

Oh i guess i was wrong ...

Another load of bus was bombarded by religious fanatics....

Another Coal Mine caved in killing workers instanteneously

Another coup taking place at one of the african nations...

Another civil war , Another killing and raping of woman and children , Another innocence lost....

So is Humanity

And this is just a days News.....