Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Tears streaming down her cheek ,

As she sat lonely down by the creek ,

Heart broken , Words unspoken....

Fate took away the joy that one can`t fathom...

Madness she held onto, Feared she remained .

Chances she took to reach to the sky , but to no avail.

For surreptiously life pushed you down

As you see no reason to be around.

Happiness bountiful,

for a guardian angel has been put thru.

Take my hand for I will to guide u around.

From the madness that drive`s u to the ground..

Hold me , trust me ,

loneliness we will crush you`ll see

let`s together pave way thru the desert of pain .

Being alone there`s nothing you will gain .

- Endnote:

I wish you could look at me and see the person you once loved instead of the person you have grown to hate...



Chelsea said...

Neat one mooo.... keep em coming!

Nosferatu said...

thnks chel.... :-)