Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Scattered Thoughts ..... Ensemble

"Soulmates" - I belive are for many of us all we see them at various times of our lives as mirrors of ourselves but timing is wrong and thier thread that is connected to us is not strong at that moment in time.

When worlds/threads do collide it comes with a "knowing" (beyond anything that i can describe) and a desire of two like minded individuals with a common desire to love each other . You are left wondering why us and not person I felt was attracted to.

A soulmate is not found as a "penny by the wayside" or like a magician pulling a rabbit out of the hat , but arrives with an intuitive knowing and a sense of completeness that is unfathomable.

So precious and fragile at first , tentative , awaiting the blossoming that will follow .

You think you are incharge of the emotions but you are swept away with a feeling that was meant to be and has come down from Ages , A Feeling beyond any of our Comprehension.

Love is a risk and is not all happiness and sunshine , it is hard work and a lot of giving and taking .God created love as an emotion to be treated with respect and lovingly tender to bear the fruit that was intended.

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