Sunday, May 29, 2011

Pisces - The Fishes- TOP 10 REASONS YOUR A PISCES

The fish is a guardian of the abstract mind
The most compassionate person of any sign

Tis said we are the bearers of an intuitive Muse
The energies of power more than a mere fuse

The Pisces is the signature of the twelfth and final sign

The force of mystical powers and passions more refined

Sometimes we hide our energetic trine

When close to a body similar to thine
Composed of complexities larger than most
Compassion compounded for any host

Friend to the Universe and lacky to none
Lovers of peace and celestial fun
Dreamer and bon vivant, poets and actors
Musicians and does that factor?
Guess all-in-all ....its best being around
The Pisces who flies forever off ground.

Who needs to walk on fire,
When you can walk on water.

~Tony Robbins

PISCES in detail

He is very emotional and always allow himself to be very emotional. He can have a good night sleep and be in a good mood, and less than few hours at work he can be very moody. He does not understand things or try to understand things easily. If you notice him carefully, you will notice what kind of moods he is in.

He is a thinker and able to do well at work and always succeed. His normal gestures mean he always look at other people faults, but he will not talk about it. He has the ability to know your thought and able to tell you what you are thinking about.

He can mostly memorize all his anger, his loves. They are his important secrets and he will keep them to himself and will never let you know. He is not a very ambition man and careless about his position in society. Wealth does not drawn his attention, because he is not greedy man and as well he thinks money is not something that will last. He could be very careless about his future. He does not like to fight against all odds, but instead following the stream and make life easier. Sometimes because he likes to take an easy path, which cause him very unsteady future.

He is kind and slightly lazy, but it is his cute character. He hates rules and regulations. He will never look down on people. He is a polite guy and can be very aggressive when he is mad. He loves to think that he lives in a beautiful world and surround by nice people, so if he finds his world is cruel and not what he expects, he will live in his world instead.

His other charm is that he is a funny guy, and it is his real weapon. He can tease you and yet make it looks like one of his joke. Even when he is sad, he still has that funny face, so you could hardly tell if he is mad or depress. He likes to hide his feeling and help other people especially those who need friend or lonely.

He will be everything that you want and everything you do not want. He has a chance to make it as much as a chance to fail. He can determine to make it work and can do it well, except he tends to lost his energy with other important things, that's how he miss many of his good opportunity.

He can be happy and content by himself. What he think is important is not "Love" ,but firm status and stability. He has plenty of love for you.

He is a good speaker, as much as he is a good listener. When he is with you, he wants to be happy. He understand his partner's emotional. He likes to take a long rest and sometimes being alone. If he needs to be alone, try not to disturb him.

He is a sensitive, quiet , shy and easily hurt. He wants to feel worthy. He can be mad and noisy, but once he calm down, he will be that happy person again. He is not a jealous or possessive guy, and if he feels jealous he will hide it. He has many friends of both sex, and he care about his friends. He likes to have lots of friends, so you can not get jealous or else you will loose him. He likes beautiful things, so if a pretty woman walk by he will look ,so do not get mad at him knowing this fact.

When he is lonely or feeling sad, be close to comfort him. He does not like to take advice,so if you want him to listen or to follow your advice, you have to act as a good sample for him first. He likes a cheery and a smart woman. If you treat him like he is your special person, then he will be that special person for you. He will trust you if he is in love, but try not to over doing it and spoil him too much. You have to know yourself worth all the time too.

Friday, May 27, 2011


"Cycle-Lone" well as the title suggest the " Cycle to Work" event organised by the company turned out to be.

Woke up in the mornin ,expecting to be a lean -mean affair with lot of fun and chick`s to stare at.

but on reaching the destination (which i presumed it was) turned out to like a fucking treasure hunt , with the co-ordinating people given all the wrong direction`s and making you meet different group`s at differenet location.

And all cursing under thier breath , getting up so early to make for this event .... and we are all like lost sheep looking for the shepherd ( or some fucking nerd) with no sense of direction.

Finally we all teamed up jumped into a vehicle and reached the venue which was way away from the details provided to us , HR ki Jai HO ....

Timing 8:30 sharp ( razor sharp i thought) the fucker`s were just putting up stall`s , with less of contestant and more of cops i wondered what have i registered myself into.

Finally after much ado the event kicked of at 9:30 IST* sharp (razor sharp - mind it or IST -Indian Standar Time - always count one hour after , strange how the time work`s in this part of the region) .

No hurray , no blowing of horn , no screaming no one realised but the event started before people realised , even the event organiser were surprised , as the participant started cycling no sooner they rested thier tooshies on the cycle seat.... YAYYYYYYYY.

Cops giving technical advice to a few chicks who did turnup , cause the bikes were doomed from the beginning , mine was no sooner than i tried to pedal it the fucking pedals it just didn`t move...

Makes me wonder why the hell did i wake up so early in the 1st place ....

Finally after lot of maa ki aankh kick`s the pedal pushing they were free enough to go round and lo i departed on my adventure of Merry go round around Mulberry Bush .. could see none though .....

After another 10mins the chains were out from the spokes that drive the pedal , madarchod ... these hero cycle guyz cant u least send a decent cycle....

And all and mighty were ogling at this weird creature stand on the road all trying to fix the chain, but with no vain and enough pain got the orgn to get some techinician to make it work ...

and reached the destination evenually with no one around made me wonder , saala saab mere chood ke chale gaye kya....

Plus point i got a Tee and Helmet free for takes sake , someone told me i would get cycle free... Chutiya banaya....

On a final note Cycle On guyz makes you all healthy , wealthy and Wise.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


World of wonders , to many blunders.

started a freindship to end with courtship.

seeing no respite with never ending fight ,

love once reside , ended in sour contrite

Listen to what i say , cause u`ll hear the story of nay say.

cause wht i belived was a lasting love , turned me into a bloodied dove...

the lonely times , the fearful chimes,

the cry of wolf , wearing of hoofs ,

the round u make , as uor love is at stake...

All the reasoning , has no meaning , i`m stubborn , my ego hurt,

i`m right and you are wrong for i`m the bard who sings this song.

For now i`m alone, loneliness creeps down my soul ,

for i see no hope, i`m here ,my heart`s in fear ,

i`m trying to be happy , yet i feel so sad.

Nothing makes any difference, as happiness gone

heart burns , wish u were here so the world would turn

everything so shallow so very burnt,

oh i`m missin the time we spent and for thats when i had fun.

Monday, May 23, 2011


Why is the world so full of hatred ,
for they`ve kept price for everything tht was sacred.

The golden rays of sunlight on my eyes wakes me up from the blissful slumber..
only to realize that the world has gone down under.
Dreams are all that I can hold on ,
hoping the affair of the state changes and life would go on.

Simple were we when our need were few,
when religion , country and caste had it`s place ,at the pew.
Alas it grew from giving people hope,
to rip them off from thier life now unable to cope.

Preacher meant to spread message of Love ,
But greed sold thier heart to the Cove,
Country meant to provide shelter to the people,
only broke thier back and made them cripple.

When will thing change , Oh! God for we need you in place ,
to save the mankind from this bloody race,
humanity died long back ,human heart has turned cold ,
you will need to show how far you can go and be bold.
the creation of yours has lost it charm and shone
For Money is the new GOD ,
as the old has become obsolete and is gone...

Friday, May 20, 2011


Hearts united in pain and sorrow,

will not be seperated by joy and happiness.

Bonds that are woven in sadness

are stronger than the ties of joy and pleasure.

Love that is washed by tears

will remain eternally pure and faithful .

Ever has it been that love knows not it`s own depth

untill the hour of seperation.


Another day gone , with nothing worth while been done.

seems like my existence has no meaning, just going on in time.

Early morning break, day begins i seek adventure,

but my the daily chore is seeping like cancer.

Relished the time i spent in my carefree days,

today the rat race has stopped the craze.

All the freinds and fellow beings whose company i stand

enjoyed the life of fun Oh Grand ...

What is left of now is back breaking work and boredom enhanced.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Lost Soul

Locked in the prison with no escape,

Keeping track of long lost days,

Where will my weary soul reside,

When there is nothing left inside..

Who will want my painful soul,

whose action made of me a fool,

Can i ever live with myself,

or in eternal darkness dwell.

Can the light of truth free me,

or all alone will i ever be.

The fate of my life is long gone,

For i have done too much wrong....


Love lost , pain survived ,

peace deviod , loneliness abundant ...

my search is futile , i feel so redundant ....

Surviving , in this Hell i bellow ,

pain within and saviour above ,

yet i see no hope or quest to survive ....

Waiting for the light to shine ,

hope the darkness ends with fear deviod.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Ad World , Mad World

Life in an Ad agency , Well i was not a kinda guy who would stick to a job for more than 2 or 3 months MAX , well i had my reasons first of all i did`nt like authority over me , telling me wht to do (see i was born with know it done it all attitude) , than there were co-workers who find me bit weird and lot of other lame reason i can go on and on , but than one fine day I got a call from my freind she said hey there`s this new agency lookin out for personnel why dont u try out ... agency never heard of any one working in agency so had no idea how`s it gonna be but than ...

i did send my C.V. and convinently forgetten about it , got a call after 2 months ( sleeping were they ), but than went for the interview in crisp cream shirt, black trousers and polished shoes.....

i was called in at 9:30 sharp in morning , the person i was suppose to meet was not to be seen ya he got delayed ( by 3 hours) ..... ya i was still waiting keeping askin the girl as reception if he is in...

She with a sympathising look would nod to a no... well than my man did walk in at 12:30 sharp, with elderly genetleman in tees with an unkempt beard and a pony tail , and shocked was i ....

But than the elderly fellow did apologize for his delay , askin me for coffee , i was so irritated i rudely said no.... he smiled asked me if i have brought my cv along , yes i did .... humph

he looked at it .. smiled again with a grand fatherly look , asked abt family and music i like , looked at the CV again, smiled again , can u join us by in a weeks time beta ......

Week is to short a notice Pa i need more time , a week or no we are loaded we need someone urgently beta he smiled again .... i took the offer

Life was toough intially , for i was literally living in the office and working till late in the night , so all old freinds disappeared , tight schedule and all the gallis from the boss but it`s worth working in an Agency , for all the fucked up late working and shit load of ass tearing work.

Than there was the casual environment jeans , dont fuck with me boss , belive me here was where i gave gallis back to my boss without fear of losing my job cause he gave a fuck as long as i proved my point and i was right and if not motherfucker get the fucking work redone was his final stand ....

Where Music can be played freely while u work ( hum a song or 2 if u want 2, group singing was appreciated , as long as it didn`t irritate the hindi listeners for thy were a few in numbers) , weekend parties was a norm to detress and meet new chick on the bloc and on the spot movie plans (free ticket`s sponsored by co.) , trekking , pubbing ahhhhhh....

and finally a place where u can sleepover you hangover for the night if you parents dont let u in the house after those too much Binge parties....

But than these were the Guyz who made the ad agencies for what it is for they were visionaries Par excellence....

Legends are what these guyz have created themselves in Ad world

1) Ajit Balakrishnan ( Rediffusion DY & R -

2) Dewan Arun Nanda (Rediffussion DY& R)

3) Kersey Katrak ( The Republic)

4) Mohammed Khan (Enterprise Nexus)

5) Sam Balsara ( Madison India)

6) Piyush Pandey ( O&M)

7) Mani Aiyer ( O& M)

8) Agnello Dais ( Taproot )

These were the few renegades who changed the way the Ad agencies were run in India , Creativity bloomed ...

They had the balls to do something different , visualize , conceptualize and create an ad and hit the right spot things we could only think of appreciate when it`s done....

Salute to you guyz especially (AB) ( ajit balakrishnan worked under his tulelage) for you`ll took the path least trodden and made the only place where we MISFIT of societies for who could`nt find or stick to any other jobs for more than month , a haven to be around ,do what they want , and live freely ......
Creativity Rox and So do you`ll Guyz....


Now i feel the loneliness begin,

the pain and heartbreak once again.

It`s the same feeling that i`ve known ,

after parting of the freindship that has grown.

She with one tear in her eye,

he bends down and whispers a soft and loving goodbye....