Monday, May 23, 2011


Why is the world so full of hatred ,
for they`ve kept price for everything tht was sacred.

The golden rays of sunlight on my eyes wakes me up from the blissful slumber..
only to realize that the world has gone down under.
Dreams are all that I can hold on ,
hoping the affair of the state changes and life would go on.

Simple were we when our need were few,
when religion , country and caste had it`s place ,at the pew.
Alas it grew from giving people hope,
to rip them off from thier life now unable to cope.

Preacher meant to spread message of Love ,
But greed sold thier heart to the Cove,
Country meant to provide shelter to the people,
only broke thier back and made them cripple.

When will thing change , Oh! God for we need you in place ,
to save the mankind from this bloody race,
humanity died long back ,human heart has turned cold ,
you will need to show how far you can go and be bold.
the creation of yours has lost it charm and shone
For Money is the new GOD ,
as the old has become obsolete and is gone...

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