Friday, May 6, 2011

Ad World , Mad World

Life in an Ad agency , Well i was not a kinda guy who would stick to a job for more than 2 or 3 months MAX , well i had my reasons first of all i did`nt like authority over me , telling me wht to do (see i was born with know it done it all attitude) , than there were co-workers who find me bit weird and lot of other lame reason i can go on and on , but than one fine day I got a call from my freind she said hey there`s this new agency lookin out for personnel why dont u try out ... agency never heard of any one working in agency so had no idea how`s it gonna be but than ...

i did send my C.V. and convinently forgetten about it , got a call after 2 months ( sleeping were they ), but than went for the interview in crisp cream shirt, black trousers and polished shoes.....

i was called in at 9:30 sharp in morning , the person i was suppose to meet was not to be seen ya he got delayed ( by 3 hours) ..... ya i was still waiting keeping askin the girl as reception if he is in...

She with a sympathising look would nod to a no... well than my man did walk in at 12:30 sharp, with elderly genetleman in tees with an unkempt beard and a pony tail , and shocked was i ....

But than the elderly fellow did apologize for his delay , askin me for coffee , i was so irritated i rudely said no.... he smiled asked me if i have brought my cv along , yes i did .... humph

he looked at it .. smiled again with a grand fatherly look , asked abt family and music i like , looked at the CV again, smiled again , can u join us by in a weeks time beta ......

Week is to short a notice Pa i need more time , a week or no we are loaded we need someone urgently beta he smiled again .... i took the offer

Life was toough intially , for i was literally living in the office and working till late in the night , so all old freinds disappeared , tight schedule and all the gallis from the boss but it`s worth working in an Agency , for all the fucked up late working and shit load of ass tearing work.

Than there was the casual environment jeans , dont fuck with me boss , belive me here was where i gave gallis back to my boss without fear of losing my job cause he gave a fuck as long as i proved my point and i was right and if not motherfucker get the fucking work redone was his final stand ....

Where Music can be played freely while u work ( hum a song or 2 if u want 2, group singing was appreciated , as long as it didn`t irritate the hindi listeners for thy were a few in numbers) , weekend parties was a norm to detress and meet new chick on the bloc and on the spot movie plans (free ticket`s sponsored by co.) , trekking , pubbing ahhhhhh....

and finally a place where u can sleepover you hangover for the night if you parents dont let u in the house after those too much Binge parties....

But than these were the Guyz who made the ad agencies for what it is for they were visionaries Par excellence....

Legends are what these guyz have created themselves in Ad world

1) Ajit Balakrishnan ( Rediffusion DY & R -

2) Dewan Arun Nanda (Rediffussion DY& R)

3) Kersey Katrak ( The Republic)

4) Mohammed Khan (Enterprise Nexus)

5) Sam Balsara ( Madison India)

6) Piyush Pandey ( O&M)

7) Mani Aiyer ( O& M)

8) Agnello Dais ( Taproot )

These were the few renegades who changed the way the Ad agencies were run in India , Creativity bloomed ...

They had the balls to do something different , visualize , conceptualize and create an ad and hit the right spot things we could only think of appreciate when it`s done....

Salute to you guyz especially (AB) ( ajit balakrishnan worked under his tulelage) for you`ll took the path least trodden and made the only place where we MISFIT of societies for who could`nt find or stick to any other jobs for more than month , a haven to be around ,do what they want , and live freely ......
Creativity Rox and So do you`ll Guyz....

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