Thursday, June 16, 2011

What is Emotional Intelligence Quotient (EQ)

The Rule for work are changing . We are being judged by not just how smart we are but also by how we handle each other and ourselves.

Our each and every action is systematically controlled emotion ; this is the essential premise of EQ.

To be sucessfull required effective ,control and management of one`s own emotions and those of the other people EQ embraces two aspects of intillegence.

1. Understanding yourself,your goals , responses , behaviour , create possibilities and intentions.

2. Understanding others and thier feelings .

Emotional intelligence Quotient (EQ) is increasingly relevant to organizational development and developing people , because EQ principles provide a new way to understand and assess people`s behaviour, management skills , attitudes , interpersonal skills and potential .Emotional Intelligence Quotients is an important consideration in all aspects of an organization; human resource planning , job profiling , recruitment interviewing and selection, management development ,customer relationships and customer services , etc .

The good news is , unlike IO , EQ skills can be developed and improved over time.


There are no rules when it comes to popularity . However , these 12 rules of likeability are very true. Just stop and think for a moment about how true these are in your own life and you will understand thier universal appeal .

1. We like people who like us

2. We like people who are like us

3. We like people who can teach us without preaching at us.

4.We like people who lift our spirit

5.We like people who pay attention to us.

6.We like people who are approachable.

7.We like people who are genius

8.We like people who associate with positive feelings

9.We like people who are courteous.

10.We like people who are familiar with.

11.We like people who dont take themselves too seriously.

12.We like people who are beautiful inside.

Thursday, June 9, 2011


Here comes the rain ,
Wash away my pain.....
The shame i feign to reign ,
Misdemeanour ,
worthless struggle ...
Past to last .....
when it last , may it be my last breath...
Give me freedom, take away my pain ,
i cry unto thee for i just cant bear the burden ,
it`s tearing me down ....
i can`t sleep , i can`t think straight....
the hate i nuture,
the past i lost , i see no future...
trun the tables , wake me from this cradle...
the death upon me ....
for that`s the freedom i seek....

Monday, June 6, 2011


Tis so amazing how this world was made
we fail to appreciate the woman we meet...
For the contribution they make in our life....
For the love they share being a wife...

For a friend we look upto thee ,
For the all the time they hold your hand & smile with glee...
Never to let you alone.
In darkest hour they stand like a pillar of stone...

For the your darkest secret , they can keep ...
Without uttering a word or weep...

For thier kindess and gentile nature ,
for thier everloving tenderness and fierce stature..
For the sweet words , For thier gentle touch...
For they stand strong , when you are down and gone...

Oh! woman Mother , Sister ,Freind and Wife...
You are God`s creation , your beauty undefiled
dont let the mans uncouth nature ....
For thier disgraceful behaviour ,
Make you feel lonely and unwanted

- Dedicated to all the woman .........

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Farting in Glory

Oh your`s truly has joined and orgn to do good for mankind , animalkind and inbetweenkind ......

Our motto go GO GREEN ( in envy ), shit man the other organization has better looking chicks than our`s .... aaaahhhhh and who the fuck called them our rival .......

Well this happened on one friday evening in the month of May , Stupid , stupid me i should`ve known when my friend here i`ll call him Mr. Emotional offered me free drinks shocked as i was happy 2 , i accepted the offer , after lot of coercion and sweet talks , bas sirf freindship ke liye join kar na , i joined this orgn that dealt with environmental issue is what he said to me gave me a good 2 hours of talks which i just didn`t get what he ws trying to say , see this session took place on over a bottle of Vodka , 6 peg down and i just stared @ him blankly and his nonsense , had to na he was paying the bill .... and after 7th peg i signed the Regn Form, fuck after so much of alchol in i would have signed my death warrant for all i know....... hic`s hics , chicken 69 mangate hai yaar ... chakna khatam hua...

Lo` the all and mighty` name appeared on thier circular that was the end of the month , Mr.Movin D`costa, souvenir committe member , eh what`s tht , my freind explained to me very nicely it`s like since u cant make it to all the meeting and stuff i , the stress on " I" was quiet deep suggested for you to be auxillary member and be in a sovenir committe uor job will be to get sponsor`s ...... arree waah ........ thank u saar.....

I was called for here i`m stressing "I" cause it`s something i learned from my freind u see , by high and mighty thier Vice President who also happens to be corporator from our ward , said he wanted to meet me ( self importance :-) ) ..... okay high and mighty i`ll be there , there goes my sunday (shit ooo) .....

I went in my regulars ( shorts and tees and shoes) to match and here thy were in kurta and pyjamas , odd ball tht i`m gave a sheepish look to my freind he just smiled back after formal introduction....

we set on to meet the other orgn that were planning to have some event or the other for the year so that we can plan our event`s accordingly.....

I was aghast 2 see so many youth from in and around been part of different orgn i had no idea about met a few freind asked the same fearful yet stupid question ( shaadi hua kya) , abe chutiya i`ve come here to good for mankind all u`ll are after my shaadi..... (mood off) , bundle of mood`s back got introduce good looking guju babes from other orgn , and one even offered me SNAKES (snacks) for rest of the english speaking crowd i accepted the SNAKES thankfully ( consisted of khaman dholka, undia, sev chuddha and samosa and chutney to dip it all )and to slush it down Aaam Ras.... ( Oh God) ..... and went on the occupy a seat near our gang who looked thy have come to some political rally as the member`s of other group were as casual as i was , the teen`s in tees and short.... but amoungst my group i was the odd man out ..... Lo Bolo ...

After the hogging session was over the meeting started with a Big Bang ( poing , poing , phus and PhRRRRRRRRRRRRR) , i mean literally our all and mighty(read our Vice President u nincompoop) blew his horn, it was a royal rumble of Fart`s for sometimes... and lot of laugh afterwards.... Ass sticking near live MIC what can u expect and bloody embarrasement for group members .....excuse moi` , bit of regret ful sorries, the poor thing was in misery as he had too many dhoklas and samosas they were just not willing to stay put so had to blow out right.... phataka mat jaloooo , hamane leke aaya hai ........ ( GOD save our environment from this GAS chamber, burn him instead of trees, Save our environment)

Well the meeting finally ended in a good note , with wee getting to orgnize an event in June a cricketting match and awareness program along with it.. and football tornament in november with similar program 2......

All wrapped going home niceties exchanged sunday gone , my freind gone , had too see he had night shift @ work, our all and mighty was pretty happy with the meeting and ordered a round of vada pav for all his member`s.... 1 round became 2 then 3 , and finally we called it off as our high and mighty closed the session with another mighty blow of horn..... And off we headed home.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Trip to babylon

I summarize that windfall comes at an unexpected times :-) , monetary or otherwise.... u need patience too.

Finally picked up the sound system i was so looking out to buy, dreams can be acheived really, and here i `m , i bought the audiophile system that i always used to check out , well the rates were too much pinched my pocket as well as by butt....

Butt never gives up the 10 years itch ..... never goes so easily u see .... scratch scratch aaaahhhh... feel`s good
Scrapped my Sony system finally , R.I.P my you play uor tune to someone else`s ears....

The trip to buying the audio system was mar with lot of if`s
i want to buy this before i could pick that ....

But after much ado and savings every bit it was worth every penny......
Sold my old set to a freind of mine and little savings , thought of buying a bike 2nd tht is , struck a deal ...... oops by mistake logged on to the site selling the audiophile and just could`nt resist the temptation.

Chucked the bike , and took a trip to babylon ( matunga where my sound engineer was putting the system in place for me) ....
Me and my freind went to this place in the sunny afternoon , had a session with Mr. Bajaj the guy who own the place and an engineer par excllence who gave a subtle point on technicalities of the system and to how to listen and enjoi music at the best, without bursting EARDRUMS ... after lot of Q&A session we both ( me & my freind) agreed on one piece tht was demanding our attention the most MOSFET REF 2000 + Millenium Speakers......

Ole` agreed on the set and went to celebrate even before pickin up the set , had a beer or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 lost the count actually , told our man Mr.Bajaj will be back in 1/2 hour and turned up well after 4 hours..... u see it was the banks fault and not beers....

after filling our tummy and heart , i realized i struck a deal without having any money on .... called on Mr.Bajaj who insisted on paying in cash ... and lo the trip started .

Went to ATM no.1( Place - Matunga) , no cash in the system huh , wtf why have thy even placed this goddamn things in place,
ATM no.2 (Place Dadar ) and ATM no. 3 (Place Dadar) were out of order (had to walk all the way from Matunga to Dadar to Mahim) in the heat that was burning the skin .... but made it with beer belly and bit of drowsy feeling ....
Went to ATM no.4 (Place -Mahim ) fuck ate my card...... all hell broke lose ... goddamn it ,the security bailed me out he was able to retrive it ..... i`m not going to swipe again
well we dont have any other option i knw if i walk away from the deal ,i`ll end up picking bike ( read beast ) instead of the beauty .....
Of fish lets try again ATM no.5(Place - Mahim) no cash again..... shitoooo
ATM no.6 (Place Mahim) of gush came the money finally , rushed to the place and picked up my system par excellence..... Dire Straits 3rd performance at my place at my own pad, called in friends , brought in booze and celebrated ......

Long live music ......