Thursday, June 16, 2011

What is Emotional Intelligence Quotient (EQ)

The Rule for work are changing . We are being judged by not just how smart we are but also by how we handle each other and ourselves.

Our each and every action is systematically controlled emotion ; this is the essential premise of EQ.

To be sucessfull required effective ,control and management of one`s own emotions and those of the other people EQ embraces two aspects of intillegence.

1. Understanding yourself,your goals , responses , behaviour , create possibilities and intentions.

2. Understanding others and thier feelings .

Emotional intelligence Quotient (EQ) is increasingly relevant to organizational development and developing people , because EQ principles provide a new way to understand and assess people`s behaviour, management skills , attitudes , interpersonal skills and potential .Emotional Intelligence Quotients is an important consideration in all aspects of an organization; human resource planning , job profiling , recruitment interviewing and selection, management development ,customer relationships and customer services , etc .

The good news is , unlike IO , EQ skills can be developed and improved over time.


There are no rules when it comes to popularity . However , these 12 rules of likeability are very true. Just stop and think for a moment about how true these are in your own life and you will understand thier universal appeal .

1. We like people who like us

2. We like people who are like us

3. We like people who can teach us without preaching at us.

4.We like people who lift our spirit

5.We like people who pay attention to us.

6.We like people who are approachable.

7.We like people who are genius

8.We like people who associate with positive feelings

9.We like people who are courteous.

10.We like people who are familiar with.

11.We like people who dont take themselves too seriously.

12.We like people who are beautiful inside.

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