Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Trip to babylon

I summarize that windfall comes at an unexpected times :-) , monetary or otherwise.... u need patience too.

Finally picked up the sound system i was so looking out to buy, dreams can be acheived really, and here i `m , i bought the audiophile system that i always used to check out , well the rates were too much pinched my pocket as well as by butt....

Butt never gives up the 10 years itch ..... never goes so easily u see .... scratch scratch aaaahhhh... feel`s good
Scrapped my Sony system finally , R.I.P my you play uor tune to someone else`s ears....

The trip to buying the audio system was mar with lot of if`s
i want to buy this before i could pick that ....

But after much ado and savings every bit it was worth every penny......
Sold my old set to a freind of mine and little savings , thought of buying a bike 2nd tht is , struck a deal ...... oops by mistake logged on to the site selling the audiophile and just could`nt resist the temptation.

Chucked the bike , and took a trip to babylon ( matunga where my sound engineer was putting the system in place for me) ....
Me and my freind went to this place in the sunny afternoon , had a session with Mr. Bajaj the guy who own the place and an engineer par excllence who gave a subtle point on technicalities of the system and to how to listen and enjoi music at the best, without bursting EARDRUMS ... after lot of Q&A session we both ( me & my freind) agreed on one piece tht was demanding our attention the most MOSFET REF 2000 + Millenium Speakers......

Ole` agreed on the set and went to celebrate even before pickin up the set , had a beer or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 lost the count actually , told our man Mr.Bajaj will be back in 1/2 hour and turned up well after 4 hours..... u see it was the banks fault and not beers....

after filling our tummy and heart , i realized i struck a deal without having any money on .... called on Mr.Bajaj who insisted on paying in cash ... and lo the trip started .

Went to ATM no.1( Place - Matunga) , no cash in the system huh , wtf why have thy even placed this goddamn things in place,
ATM no.2 (Place Dadar ) and ATM no. 3 (Place Dadar) were out of order (had to walk all the way from Matunga to Dadar to Mahim) in the heat that was burning the skin .... but made it with beer belly and bit of drowsy feeling ....
Went to ATM no.4 (Place -Mahim ) fuck ate my card...... all hell broke lose ... goddamn it ,the security bailed me out he was able to retrive it ..... i`m not going to swipe again
well we dont have any other option i knw if i walk away from the deal ,i`ll end up picking bike ( read beast ) instead of the beauty .....
Of fish lets try again ATM no.5(Place - Mahim) no cash again..... shitoooo
ATM no.6 (Place Mahim) of gush came the money finally , rushed to the place and picked up my system par excellence..... Dire Straits 3rd performance at my place at my own pad, called in friends , brought in booze and celebrated ......

Long live music ......

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