Monday, June 6, 2011


Tis so amazing how this world was made
we fail to appreciate the woman we meet...
For the contribution they make in our life....
For the love they share being a wife...

For a friend we look upto thee ,
For the all the time they hold your hand & smile with glee...
Never to let you alone.
In darkest hour they stand like a pillar of stone...

For the your darkest secret , they can keep ...
Without uttering a word or weep...

For thier kindess and gentile nature ,
for thier everloving tenderness and fierce stature..
For the sweet words , For thier gentle touch...
For they stand strong , when you are down and gone...

Oh! woman Mother , Sister ,Freind and Wife...
You are God`s creation , your beauty undefiled
dont let the mans uncouth nature ....
For thier disgraceful behaviour ,
Make you feel lonely and unwanted

- Dedicated to all the woman .........


Chelsea said...

start giving me your copies to edit before you publish - you can't afford to have mistakes before you publish such good shit...

!good one!

Nosferatu said...

thks chelc , will do..... most of my writeup`s are at spur of a moment.... i jus type wht comes in my mind.... so dont pay much of attention to grammer... see i have tendency of being forgetful... :-)